Welcome to the Kishar LARP test site!

Note from the website wrangler: This is NOT the official main site for Kishar - this is, however, the test/backup site for Kishar, and can be used when the main site is being squirrely. Information contained on this site is current as of 3/30/2024, and you can find the most current info on the main Kishar website at http://www.kisharlarp.org. (If it's behaving, anyway.)
Kishar is a Boffer LARP set in a fantastical floating city full of danger and intrigue. Drawing inspiration from the Arabian Nights as well as classical Asian mythologies, we use a home-brew system that is encounter-based and encourages tactical play. Players can choose from 20 classes and 20 lineages when creating characters.

The game's first 9 years of play centered around the Docks District in the port city of Kishar. Starting in 2021, the focus has shifted to the Diamond City of Samazar, a long-lost Djinn city which players have brought back into the world. (Art credit to P. Leonardo Cavalieri)
Come swing a scimitar while chasing thieves across the Spice Bazaar, lounge on pillows around a hookah while discussing gossip about the Counselors in the Diamond Assembly, or scheme and plot with the city's devious elements. Magic, mystery, and intrigue await clever players at the Adventurer's Guild! An age of artifice and innovation is upon you, and with it, new crafting skills and adversaries. Will you track bandits into the Great Waste, negotiate with gnoll tribes, or explore buried ruins from civilizations centuries past? Players make dynamic choices and actively contribute to the setting.
We invite new players to come out and see what the game is all about! Monstering (playing an Non-Player Character) requires no equipment and no costuming, and it's free - perfect for getting an introduction to the game. Check-in starts at 11 AM Saturday and Sunday, and the game runs until midnight on Saturday and until 5PM on Sunday.
Need to get in touch with us? Email us at kisharmarshals(at)gmail.com.
Want to get involved? Join the active community on Discord or Facebook!